In September 2013, the Maltese government implemented the Protection of the Whistleblower Act, 2013: an act to make provision for procedures that provide protection to persons who report improper practices and wrongdoings at the workplace, in both the private sector and the public administration.

The Directive – (EU) 2019/1937 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2019 on the protection of persons who report breaches of Union law – was adopted on 23 October 2019 and entered into force on 16 December 2019. This has led to the amendment of the Protection of the Whistleblower Act (CAP 527 of the Laws of Malta) which came into force in December 2021.

Anyone who wants to raise the alarm on an act of corruption or illegality can do so safely within the Whistleblower Act.  By the implementation of this legislation the citizens are given the right to report abuses, knowing they will be protected by law.

Internal Reporting

Reporting persons can report wrongdoings to an internal officer who will refer the report for further follow-up while retaining the identity of the reporting person in strict confidentiality.  The reporting person will remain anonymous and therefore protected from retaliation at the workplace.

External Reporting

If no such internal channel is in place, or the report is not investigated effectively, the reporting person may report externally to one of the competent authorities mentioned in the law.  These include: the Commissioner of Revenue (CfR), Financial Intelligence Analysis Unit (FIAU), Malta Financial Services Authority (MFSA), Commissioner for Voluntary Organisation (CVO), Permanent Commission Against Corruption and the Ombudsman.

For Public Sector Employees External Whistleblowing Officer has been appointed within the Cabinet Office.

Each Government Ministry is represented by a Whistleblowing Reporting Officer (WRO). The WRO is responsible for receiving internal disclosures and addressing the concerns raised by the whistleblower accordingly.

The contact details of the Whistleblowing Reporting Officer within the Ministry for Tourism are outlined below:

Ministry for Tourism and Public Cleanliness Whistleblower Reporting Officer:
Office of the Permanent Secretary
Contact Number: Tel: + 356 2291 5035
Contact Email: [email protected]

External Whistleblower Reporting Officer at OPM:
Contact Email: [email protected]
